National Nut Grower National Nut Grower
Cropped cover image of National Nut Grower MarchApril 2024 issue

March/April 2024
Editor’s Letter: Spring into success

Like many of you, I am optimistic successful growth and yields for the 2024 season. But, I’m also just as excited about connections and support the industry offers.

There are so many resources available through your local Extension offices, farm advisors, crop consultants and researchers. In the National Nut Grower March/April 2024 issue, we have a variety of information, across crops and topics to provide you additional information.


We are sharing the journey of one grower, Leger & Son, and how they are on a mission to protect pecan groves from hurricanes.

Leger & Son, a family operation of pecan growers.
Photo courtesy of Leger & Son


We also have a crop outlook for a variety of tree nuts in this issue, which outlines some of the potential pest and disease threats present this season.

Walnut harvesting. Photo by Photoby Brian Baer.
Photo by Brian Baer


Additionally, Themis J. Michailides, Ph.D., Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis/Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Parlier, California, discusses the blight phase of Botryosphaeria diseases in nut crops.

The blight phase of Bots
Photo by Themis J. Michailides, Ph.D.


Plus, Almond Board of California shares important information on “spoon feeding” nitrogen to almond trees to help maximize investments and minimize efficiencies. In this article, read how growers can positively impact profit margins.

Photo courtesy of Almond Board of California


Hazelnut growers also need to be vigilant this year, as there are concerns with a new strain of Eastern filbert blight that has been detected. Nik Wiman, associate professor and orchard specialist at Oregon State University discussed this pressing concern with National Nut Grower.

Close up image of a hazelnut growing on a tree


One key factor for all crops is water. Learn more about how growers can identify water stress and the time irrigation in an impactful way in the article dealing with water stress and how tools and sensors can provide assistance.

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