National Nut Grower National Nut Grower

Soil Nutrition

BetterSoil Alliance rewards growers for sustainable achievements

Launched by Yara North American and Heliae Agriculture, participants will be eligible to receive a sustainability reward based on water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency, as well as recognition in the Alliance. more »
California Department of Food and Agriculture CDFA

Nutrient Management Conference in California opens registration

Held in San Luis Obispo in late October, the conference includes a tour of Cal Poly agricultural research plots, and a session showcasing irrigation and nutrient management research or outreach. more »

Soil health in agriculture boosted by Valent, K-State agreement

World-renowned carbon cycling and climate change researcher Charles W. Rice will oversee the initiative, which focuses on advancing research in soil health and carbon smart farming. more »

Biome Makers raises $15M in Series B funding to secure position as a global leader in biological soil analysis

The funds focus on the next phase of growth – accelerating the global expansion of BeCrop as the industry standard for functional soil analysis and sustainable soil health recovery, and Gheom as an independent assessment program measuring the impact of crop inputs and farming practices to support personalized agriculture. more »
American Farmland Trust AFT

AFT shares Soil Health Economic Calculator with customized almond version

California's water struggles make this version especially timely, which will estimate the economic effects of almond-specific soil health practices like nutrient management, cover crops, mulching and compost. more »

Hazelnut stewardship initiative highlights Oregon’s sustainable practices

Ranked third in the world for production, Oregon's hazelnut industry hopes to step out strong with the Oregon Hazelnut Sustainability Program. more »

Iron deficiency of almond pinpointed

A prime culprit of interveinal chlorosis on new growth, a few strategies can correct iron deficiency. more »

Online nitrogen management course set for crop advisors, general public

Growers, students and crop advisors alike can benefit from this seven-part video course. more »

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