May 13, 2019BioTEPP appoints two to board of directors
BioTEPP, the manufacturer of biopesticide Virosoft CP4, recently appointed two new people to its Board of Directors, Sylvain Lavoie and Hugo St-Laurent.
Virosoft is registered and marketed in Canada and the United States where BioTEPP is among the leading suppliers helping apple growers control the codling moth and the oriental fruit moth.
Active in the Quebec and Canadian agricultural industry for more than 30 years and known for his managerial and strategic skills, Lavoie is presently CEO of Synagri. He previously held a number of senior management positions including that of vice-president of Eastern Canada at Yara. He also distinguished himself in the Quebec agricultural cooperative sector for 15 years. His expertise allows him to have a global vision of modern agriculture and its challenges. Lavoie is a member of the Ordre des agronomes du Québec.
“I am pleased to join the BioTEPP team, who are passionate people and committed to the success of the company!” he said in a press release.
St-Laurent is president, chief executive officer and co-founder of SiliCycle. Prior to joining the company, he worked for the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS GéoRessources) and co-founded and co-chaired Enviro-Dynamique.
“BioTEPP can count on a dedicated team and a highly efficient product. I am happy to be able to contribute to its success,” said St-Laurent.
BioTEPP’s Chairman of the Board, Claude Gagnon, said, “Messrs. Lavoie and St-Laurent bring with them a wealth of knowledge that myself and the whole management team will benefit from. They will be able to join us in the development of our company, whose future looks promising.”
“I am proud to be able to count on the support and valuable advice of our new Board members to guide us in achieving the ambitious development plan that BioTEPP has put in place,” said BioTEPP’s president and CEO, Sylvie Richard.
Virosoft leverages a naturally occurring microorganism for the reduction of codling moth damages on apple, pear, plum, prune and walnut trees. BioTEPP intends to expand its product offering to fight against various harmful insects.