National Nut Grower National Nut Grower

Educational Webinars

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Fruit Growers Explain How They Stay on Top of Evolving Environmental Challenges

As inflation drives up input costs and extreme weather strains crop yields, many fruit growers are turning to agtech for help. To fine-tune decisions around planting, harvesting, irrigating, preparing for frost, spraying for pests, etc., growers are deploying monitoring solutions that enable them to keep better tabs on crop growth cycles and environmental conditions. In this webinar, Chris Sullivan, president of Davis Instruments, will talk with a panel of fruit growers about the monitoring solutions they are using to stay on top of evolving weather-related challenges.

Sponsored by: Davis Instruments

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Spring Plant Diseases: Identifying and treating fungal disease targeting your crops

In this on-demand webinar, Bond McInnes, PhD, reviews the latest conventional and organic methods to treating and preventing the plant diseases most common in fruits and vegetables this spring. This webinar is available on-demand.

Sponsored by: AgBiome

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