Sep 27, 2021New York Nut Growers Association schedules fall meeting
Stay up to date with nut growing in New York and meet experienced growers.
Register to attend the New York Nut Growers Association (NYNGA) 2021 Fall Meeting on Oct. 9 in Tompkins County, New York.
The main program will take place in the morning at the 4H Acres (run by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Service), 418 Lower Creek Road, Ithaca, New York, 14850. Breakfast starts at 9 a.m., and the program begins at 9:30. The morning talks will include air layering of nut trees, nut trees on a diverse farm, information on nut processing and stratification, planting nut trees in parks and educational sites, and a report on cold-hardy English walnuts from the English Walnut Project Committee.
In the afternoon, attendees will visit two locations in nearby Trumansburg:
- NYNGA’s John Gordon Demonstration Nut Grove, a diverse collection of mature, bearing trees of the nut species you can grow in New York state, such as English walnut, black walnut, butternut, heartnut, hazels, ultra-Northern pecans and Shellbark Hickory.
- Edible Acres, a permaculture nursery and forest farm research space focused on hardy perennial plants and low and no tech solutions.
NYNGA is an all volunteer, nonprofit organization that promotes nut tree growing in New York state. It’s not necessary to be a member of NYNGA to attend this meeting. A light breakfast and lunch are included in the $20 cost of meeting registration. Pre-registration is required to facilitate meal planning. Pants, socks and comfortable walking shoes or boots are suggested for the afternoon orchard tours. New York State Department of Health requirements will be followed.
Please bring samples of nuts from your trees and other items for sharing, for sale and for stratifying.
For questions, contact Jerry Henkin, NYNGA president, sproutnut@aol.com, (914) 282-1371.