National Nut Grower National Nut Grower

Jul 5, 2021
New York Nut Growers Association Summer Meeting set for July 24

Registration is open for the New York Nut Growers Association 2021 Summer Meeting on July 24 in Washington County.

The main program will take place at the Cambridge American Legion Hall, 2106 State Route 22, Cambridge, New York, then choose whether to spend the afternoon touring orchards in Cambridge or Stephentown.

The morning will be devoted to talks on various aspects of nut growing: research on hazelnut cultivars, hazelnut processing and postharvest care, walnut blight, the New York Nut Growers Association (NYNGA) English Walnut Project, the right soil for nut trees, commercial processing of nuts and research into historical New York nut tree nurseries.

Participants will have a chance to meet other growers and share information. After lunch, participants will have a choice of visiting nut orchards in either Cambridge or Stephentown. Due to scheduling and logistics limitations, attendees will need to choose between these two locations. Additional details regarding afternoon tour options are included in the meeting registration confirmation email.

The New York Nut Growers Association is an all volunteer, non-profit organization that promotes nut tree growing in New York State. It’s not necessary to be a member of the NYNGA to attend this meeting. A light breakfast and lunch are included in the $20 cost of meeting registration and check-in and breakfast are scheduled for 8:30-9 a.m. Pre-registration is required for meal planning.

Pants, socks and comfortable walking shoes or boots are suggested for the afternoon orchard tours. NYS Department of Health requirements will be followed.

If you’re planning on coming to Cambridge on Friday night, it is suggested that you make reservations at a motel or hotel soon. To let us know if you’d prefer a vegan lunch or for other questions, contact Jerry Henkin, NYNGA President, (914) 282–1371,

Photo at top: Ripening English walnut. Photo: New York Nut Growers Association

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