Apr 6, 2021US pistachio production shows record on-year high
Based on data from the Administrative Committee for Pistachios (ACP), the U.S. pistachio crop for the 2020/21 season (September-August) is forecast to reach over 1 billion pounds in-shell basis, equivalent to 507.3 million pounds shelled basis, up 42% from the previous season.
Yields increased as it is an “on-year” for the alternate-bearing crop cycle for pistachios. ACP reports average per acre yields are up 30% in 2020 to 2,806 pounds from the previous year.
Over 31,600 bearing acres were added in 2020 from the previous year. The USDA Foreign Agricultural Service forecasts Iran’s pistachio production to decrease slightly in 2020/21 due to the off-year of the crop cycle. Iran, a major producer, is expected to increase exports of pistachios from last year’s inventory; however the pace is expected to slow as supplies dwindle.
U.S. imports are predicted up 40% from the previous season. Increased demand is expected as many consumers are likely continuing to stock up. The United States is forecast to have an increase in exports – nearly 20% higher on strong shipments to top markets China and the European Union, despite trade issues with China.