National Nut Grower National Nut Grower

South Central

Pesticide conference in Pecos County, Texas, set for Nov. 16

Five Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units are available for private and non-commercial pesticide applicators. more »

Hort pioneer who planted some of the first pecan trees in NM honored

Fabián García, a Mexican immigrant whose research helped influence agriculture nationwide, joins the ranks of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Eli Whitney, among other notable contributors to agriculture. more »

Minimized risk from climate extremes sought for Southwest growers

More than two dozen researchers across California, Arizona and New Mexico are looking for ways to improve groundwater and develop management strategies that are adapted to climate change to ensure irrigated agriculture sustainability. more »

New Mexico pecan producers beating the odds with irrigation moves

Ranchers cull cattle and farmers fallow land as New Mexico suffers from extensive drought like the rest of the West. But the state's pecan growers – which grow 35% of U.S. pecans – have adapted well in these conditions. more »

Oklahoma pecan grower pursues growing and grafting dream

Family-owned Hoffman Pecan Farm has helped provide grafting wood to other growers, establish a pecan research station, graft over 400 varieties and more, all while running its own commercial operation, and, most recently, carrying the business through the pandemic. more »

Oklahoma Pecan Growers Association to hold Sept. 23 field day

The Oklahoma Pecan Growers Association will hold a field day Sept. 23 at Bryant Pecan Farms in Ada, Oklahoma. Attendees will learn how he orchard is managed. Discussions will focus on pecan types, ... more »

Pecan trees showing good crop potential says Texas A&M

Following good spring and summer rains and diligent pest and disease management, the trees are in good share and samples showed good nut fill. Each region more »

Pecan weevil season is here in Oklahoma

This growing season's heavy rains in August brought an earlier-than-normal weevil emergence that could continue into October. more »

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