National Nut Grower National Nut Grower

Jul 24, 2023
CDFA shares developments in nitrogen and irrigation initiative

As part of CDFA’s work to facilitate stewardship of water and natural resources, the agency is pleased to discuss recent developments in the nitrogen and irrigation initiative.

A three-year, collaborative effort between CDFA’s Fertilizer Research and Education Program, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and UC Davis, the initiative is supporting research at seven UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) county offices.

The objective is to assist farms and ranches of all sizes through educational materials, on-farm trials, training events, and grower consultations aimed at establishing nutrient management and irrigation practices that produce fruits, nuts or vegetables without the overuse of fertilizer or water.

Significant milestones in the first quarter of 2023 included field staff training in conjunction with the UCCE Climate Smart Agriculture and Small Farms Community Edu­cation programs. Staff visited two Fresno County Asian vegetable operations to learn more about their irrigation systems and toured UCCE research fields.

Another milestone was the initiative’s first Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting. The group includes wa­ter coalitions, commodity organizations, resource conser­vation districts, Certified Crop Advisors, and environmental organizations. The purpose of the group is to enhance communication be­tween program partners and organi­zations that work directly with farmers and ranchers.

For more information, visit the UCANR Nitrogen and Irrigation Initiative webpage.


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