Mar 5, 2024Fresno State offers sessions on SGMA and drip irrigation
Fresno State released information on two upcoming educational opportunities, which included a session on how SGMA regulates groundwater usage and drip irrigation and planning for the season. Both sessions will be held in March and qualify for CEU credits.
SGMA Update: Aquifer Management in California | 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. PT | March 14
This webinar will help participants better understand how the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) regulates groundwater usage throughout California and how it will affect effective irrigation. Sarge Green, a research scientist from the California Water Institute at California State University, Fresno, will update attendees on current SGMA regulations, the status of Groundwater Sustainability Plans in the state, and efforts to increase groundwater recharge.
Registration is open online.
Preparing Drip for the Irrigation Season | 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. PT | March 21
Attendees will learn about field maintenance that should be conducted on a drip irrigation systems every spring to maintain efficiency throughout the growing season. The Fresno State Center for Irrigation Technology (CIT) demonstrate, via lectures and videos, how to check filtration at the pump, monitor flow and pressure to the field, flush the system, repair drip leaks and check for plugging, and more.