Mar 26, 2024USDA seeks public input for statistical programs
The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will hold its biannual Data Users’ Meeting from 1:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. on April 16 CDT, at the University of Chicago – Gleacher Center, which can also be attended virtually. A virtual attendance option is also available.
The Data Users’ Meeting is free and open to the public. It is held to share recent and pending statistical program changes with the public and to solicit input on these and other programs important to agriculture. The event is organized by NASS in cooperation with the World Agricultural Outlook Board, Farm Service Agency, Economic Research Service, Agricultural Marketing Service, Foreign Agricultural Service and U.S. Census Bureau.
“The Data Users’ Meeting is a unique opportunity to update stakeholders on recent and pending changes in the various statistical and information programs related to agriculture, and to seek feedback on these programs,” said Lance Honig, acting chair of the Agricultural Statistics Board. “It is also an opportunity for data users to obtain knowledge concerning agricultural census methodology and other topics of importance. This biannual meeting helps to ensure that NASS can continue to provide timely, accurate and useful statistics in service to U.S. agriculture.”
The April 16 agenda includes agency updates followed by an open forum session with questions and comments. A detailed agenda and registration information can be found at nass.usda.gov/go/data_