Mar 6, 2024WBA welcomes new management as Jonathan Field retires
The Walnut Bargaining Association (WBA) has announced the retirement of Jonathan W. Field, who has served as executive director of the association since 2002. With Field’s retirement, WBA is set to welcome new board members and change its strategic direction.
“Jonathan has been a tremendous asset to the California walnut industry and has provided us with invaluable information on world economic conditions, walnut supply/demand factors and grower pricing. More than that, he has been a friend to the members of WBA,” Pete Jelavich, board member for WBA and a walnut grower from Yuba City, said.
WBA announced it has selected Chris Zanobini and Ag Association Management Services, a firm representing over 30 different ag associations headquartered in Sacramento, as its new management.
“We are very excited to be working with someone as experienced as Chris Zanobini who has a diverse staff. Our hope is that this will allow our organization to expand into other areas that will benefit California walnut farmers,” said Donald Norene, chairman for WBA.
“Ag Association Management Services (AAMSI) provides management and operational services for associations, foundations, commissions and marketing orders,” said Chris Zanobini. “We currently manage and/or provide services to a diverse group of agriculture-based organizations and are committed to providing a professional staff and team of experts to address legislative, regulatory, and member concerns. Our passion for ag runs deep and we’ve been fortunate to help lead and support ag organizations for over thirty years.”
“The WBA is well positioned to help lead the walnut industry into the future,” said Field. “I have enjoyed working with the Board and wish them well in the future.”
“We welcome any input from industry members and urge you to visit our website to learn more about what WBA is already doing,” Norene said.