National Nut Grower National Nut Grower


Plan to increase flows from San Joaquin River tributaries gets pushback

The notice represents a departure from the state's earlier willingness to consider voluntary agreements with water districts, which includes aspects other than just flow increases. more »

OpenET aims to track water use across 17 Western states

A public-private coalition, featuring three federal agencies and several universities and private entities, is providing satellite-based estimates of evapotranspiration for better water management. more »

La Niña climate pattern in the Pacific Ocean is worrisome

The 2021 water year was the second-driest in terms of statewide precipitation, following 1924. The predicted La Niña climate pattern could mean more drought conditions and uncertain water supply. more »

Perennial plants among rain-fed almond trees curbs climate change

Cover crops, reduced tilling and compost are common farming practices for sustainability, but European researchers are determining that the introduction of perennial plants – such as thyme – in almond can help mitigate climate change. more »

Minimized risk from climate extremes sought for Southwest growers

More than two dozen researchers across California, Arizona and New Mexico are looking for ways to improve groundwater and develop management strategies that are adapted to climate change to ensure irrigated agriculture sustainability. more »

Contract awarded for first phase of work to repair the Friant-Kern Canal

Brosamer & Wall/Tutor Perini Joint Venture was awarded a $177 million contract to perform the construction aspects of the first phase of work to repair the canal. more »

Irrigation and stormwater tracked to recharge the groundwater below

USDA awarded $10 million to University of California, Merced, for a 4-year initiative studying how irrigation and stormwater can travel to recharge the groundwater. more »

New Mexico pecan producers beating the odds with irrigation moves

Ranchers cull cattle and farmers fallow land as New Mexico suffers from extensive drought like the rest of the West. But the state's pecan growers – which grow 35% of U.S. pecans – have adapted well in these conditions. more »

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