National Nut Grower National Nut Grower


ARS-developed Varroa-resistant honeybees better winter survivors

A USDA-ARS honeybee – "Pol-line" – was tested against a standard commercial honeybee for the first time, and had a better winter survival rate when both treated and untreated for Varroa. more »

Bee hive thefts already being reported

Hundreds of hives have been reported stolen throughout California just as the biggest pollination event begins. more »

The Bee Corp: ‘Investment will provide resources to maintain momentum’

After securing another $1 million in funding, the company is looking to expand access to underserved markets, scale the tech and grow the team. more »

Beeflow, Watts Solitary Bees introduce blue orchard bees to almond orchards

Honeybees immediately come to mind regarding pollination, but there are 20,000 bee species in the world. This partnership is using native blue orchard bees in almond. more »

The buzz around pollination tech

There is a great deal of agtech hitting the markets, including regarding bees. From maintenance to precision, pollination technology is changing. ... more »

Almond growers welcome news of the arrival of bees

Two and a half million honeybee colonies will be moved to pollinate 1.3 million bearing almond acres. Costs are up, habitats are down, and California agriculture officials will begin assessing civil penalties for violations of laws that protect bees. more »

BioSafe, BVT to benefit from each other’s product methods

Drawing on a similar customer base, BioSafe and BVT will partner their biologicals and bee vectoring technologies, respectively. more »

Indoor storage of honeybees

How bees are managed matters for pollination. ... more »

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