Feb 6, 202314th Annual Upper Midwest Hazelnut Growers Conference registration open
The Iowa Nut Growers Association (INGA) is hosting the 14th Annual Upper Midwest Hazelnut Growers Conference in Decorah, Iowa. On the afternoon of March 3 is a hazelnut processing open house at the Winneshiek County Fairgrounds from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., followed by a Hazelnut Show-n-Tell from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 4, features presentations and speakers from around the Midwest talking about a range of topics, including hazelnut genetics, infrared drying, new cultivars, cost share, pest and disease issues, branding and more. The Hazelnut Grower of the Year will be awarded over lunch to recognize a distinguished hazelnut grower from the region.
Registration is $50 and includes lunch on Saturday. Please indicate a meat, vegetarian or vegan meal when you register.
Date: March 3-4, 2023
Location: Hotel Winneshiek, Decorah, Iowa
Cost: $50, includes lunch Saturday
Are you a farm or organization that would want to exhibit? Cost is $100 for a table and includes one paid registration. Contact Jeff Jensen at 515-320-6756 orĀ jjensen@treesforever.org.