Jan 11, 20212021 Agricultural Outlook Forum program set by USDA
The USDA has announced details of the 97th annual Agricultural Outlook Forum, which will be held virtually on Feb. 18-19.
The Agricultural Outlook Forum, themed “Building on Innovation: A Pathway to Resilience,” will focus on the central role science and innovation have played in helping the agricultural sector overcome challenges and build resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Forum’s program (PDF, 187 KB) will begin with a presentation by USDA’s new Chief Economist, Dr. Seth Meyer, on the Department’s outlook for U.S. commodity markets and trade for 2021 and the U.S. farm income situation. A keynote address by the incoming Agriculture Secretary, presentations by Congressional leaders, and a session on genetic literacy are also scheduled for the morning on the first day of the Forum.
- Supply Chain Resilience
- Commodity Market Outlooks
- Food Price and Farm Income Outlooks
- U.S. Trade and the Global Market Place
- Managing Risk and Ensuring Sustainability
- Innovation, Technology, and Productivity