National Nut Grower National Nut Grower

Feb 13, 2024
Almond Board announces Carpophilus beetle research project

The Almond Board of California (ABC) has now approved funding for a research project called, “Ecology, monitoring and management of Carpophilus beetle.” In an email from ABC, the organization stated that the budget for the project is approximately $46,000.

ABC shared the the objectives are to answer some basic biology questions about the Carpophilus beetle, to survey to learn how widespread this new invasive pest is across the valley, and to evaluate potential chemical control options.


Houston Wilson, UC Riverside, will lead the project, and co-principal investigators include: Jhalendra Rijal (UCANR), David Haviland (UCANR), Sudan Gyawaly (UCANR) and Raman Bansel (USDA).

The Almond Board shared that it has been supplying as much information as is available to UC Extension and state and local officials since the industry learned about the threat, but everyone needs to learn more.

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