Jun 13, 2023Michigan chestnut crop report for the week of June 1, 2023
Michigan State University issued its chestnut crop report for the week of June 1, 2023. Erin Lizotte and Rob Sirrine from Michigan State University Extension provided the update.
The report indicates hot and dry conditions persist. “As a result parts of central and southern Michigan are abnormally dry and on the verge of a moderate drought,” according to the report.
The report noted that most growers that use granular fertilizers plan to begin applications soon. For nutrient management considerations, growers can reference the 2023 Michigan Chestnut Management Guide from Michigan State University Extension (MSU Extension) or the Nutrient Management section of the MSU Extension’s website. Commercial soil test are available at local MSU Extension offices for growers that want to obtain nutrient management recommendations.
“In recent years, some growers have also been utilizing tissue nutrient testing as another data point for making nutrient adjustments. Sampling chestnut leaf tissue for analysis is similar to protocol in other crops, with a few important caveats,” the report stated.
To read the full chestnut crop report for the week of June 1, 2023, visit MSU’s website.