National Nut Grower National Nut Grower

Mar 2, 2021
Vertebrate pest webinar series scheduled in California

Every two years, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources’ Vertebrate Pest Council hosts a series of seminars providing updates and information on managing vertebrate pests.

It’s time for the next cycle. Due to the pandemic, this year the seminars will be virtual. Three 2-hour sessions will be spread across three days.

Each day will have a different theme:

Day 1 (March 30): Field rodents

Day 2 (March 31): Updates and information on the use of rodenticides

Day 3 (April 1): Managing commensal rodents

These are unique seminars in that there generally is not any other place where you can get continuing education credits exclusively for vertebrate species. Experts from around the state are lined up to provide these seminars.

The link for the website with all the details can be found here.

Roger A. Baldwin, Ph.D. Wildlife Specialist Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis

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