The remaining meetings that are part of Michigan State University Extension’s summer chestnut grower meetings are scheduled for July and August.
MSU’s Chestnut Chat 2023 Summer Series meetings ...
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BRANDT, a retailer of professional agronomic services and manufacturer of specialty ag input products, is set to break ground on a new production facility in Aurora, Nebraska later this summer. The ne...
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Michigan State University (MSU) Extension has an updated Michigan Chestnut Management Guide now available to assist chestnut growers in making pesticide and nutrient management decisions. The guide in...
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University of Minnesota is asking for grower feedback on pest management in hazelnut.
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Speakers and presentations will cover a range of topics, including hazelnut genetics, infrared drying, new cultivars, cost share, pest and disease issues, branding and more.
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A Midwest walnut huller processes about 20 million pounds annually from people who bring in black walnuts they've collected, shining a spotlight on Missouri's native nut.
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Starting a new crop and industry from scratch is no small feat, but ongoing collaborations have continued to move this initiative forward.
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All events are free and open to the public and will feature field tours and topics on production.
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