July/August 2023
2023 Walnut Crops
Q&A with Joe Grant, research director at California Walnut Board & Commission »2023 Pecan Crops
A Q&A discussing harvest and postharvest considerations »H-2A and beyond
NCAE works on H-2A regulations because the proposed regulations have a direct economic impact on legacy family farming operations. »Editor’s Letter: Time flies
As I sit down to write this note in early June, I realize just how many events have transpired in a couple of months. From labor shortages to regulations and even finances, there is a lot to navigate.... moreHealthy orchards
A cover crop program designed to create a nutrient rich environment for pollinators »A change in philosophy
Terranova Ranch thrives by focusing on water, energy conservation »Adapting to challenges
Henderson Farms values workers and employing environmental practices »We're happy to provide a sampling of the articles in this issue. To receive full issues of National Nut Grower, please subscribe.