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Drought strategies for walnut orchards

With 41 California counties officially in a drought emergency and water allocations significantly reduced in many areas, many growers and managers are stuck with less water than walnuts use for prime

Heliae Agriculture welcomes new director of ag science

Global soil health innovator and regenerative agriculture leader Heliae Agriculture is proud to announce the appointment of a new director of ag science, Cassidy Million. This position will champion H

Almond Alliance supports growers whipsawed by supply chains, water

Almonds may be California’s second-largest crop, bringing in $5.62 billion in sales in 2020, but almond growers feel whipsawed by two factors over which they have no control: water and supply chains

Vilsack announces Bioproduct Pilot program funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced June 28 the U.S. Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for a new pilot program created under President Biden’s historic Bipartisan Infrastru

Pecan insects and heat

With the very high temperatures, there is no point in spraying for insects when the temps are in the 95+° F range. Extreme heat slows and then stops reproduction in insects like mites and aphids and

CDFA’s Healthy Soils Program selects 940 projects totaling $66.3 million to fight climate change

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) today announced the award of $66 million in grants from its Healthy Soils Program (HSP) to a total of 940 projects. The projects aim to improve

Farm, business groups call for action on water projects

Agriculture and business groups are imploring Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Legislature to set clear goals for boosting water storage and supplies as the drought threatens to cripple California's food, en

Irrigation guide for pecans during summer heat

The extreme temperatures we're seeing has growers concerned about effects on the trees and crop. These temperatures often entice growers to increase their irrigation rates over what they would normall

New guide details IPM for weevil pests in hazelnut

People around the globe are nuts about hazelnuts: According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the global demand for hazelnuts is strong and growing. So much so that count

15 days added for comment on proposed marketing order changes for almonds

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is providing an additional 15 days for public comments on the proposed rule that would amend the Federal marketing order regulating the handling of almonds gro

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