Crop Management
A research survey out of University of California, Davis, is looking for participants to share what influences their weed and pest management decisions.
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Walnut orchards in Northern California are feeling the aftermath – and seeing the reduced yields – of inconsistent and unpredictable weather conditions.
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Ceres Imaging is using in-field and aerial data to monitor crops on a per-plant basis.
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Imagine a pest being unable to identify the environment it thrives in – while it's presently in it. A new product with a unique mode of action seems to provide the best environmental camouflage.
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{Sponsored} Almond acres continue to increase, summer temperatures are trending up and, seemingly, so should the navel orangeworm (NOW) threat. Right?
Not the case during the 2020 season, which saw...
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Applications for the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution District's Low-Dust Nut Harvester Replacement Program are now available.
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