National Nut Grower National Nut Grower


NRCS announces EQIP Conservation Incentive Contracts deadline extension

NRCS is extending the deadline by 48 hours due to the program's overwhelming response. Applications are due July 14. more »
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NRCS California offers drought assistance; identifies high priority areas

Taking applications through July 12, the new Conservation Incentive Contracts pilot program can provide long-term support to address drought on agricultural and other lands. more »

Honeybees survive longer with four compounds found in flowers

Improving the abundance and diversity of bee gut bacteria, these nutritional compounds found in flowers give bees a longer lifespan. more »

Amygdalin in almond nectar cuts viruses, gut parasites in honeybees

Healthy bees mean better pollination and better crops, and a natural chemical compound in almond nectar and pollen reduces the level of disease in bees, while increasing beneficial gut bacteria. more »

USDA seeks proposals for innovative approaches to conservation on ag lands

USDA-NRCS is looking for agriculture partners to implement on-the-ground conservation and will provide incentives to offset the risk of trialing innovation. more »

Growers can apply to join 5 million acres in conservation easements

Growers can contact their local USDA service center to enroll for a farmland easement on eligible land, protecting the land from urban encroachment. more »

NRCS invites proposals for 2021 Conservation Innovation Grants

Applicants have through April 23 to apply for a grant to fund on-farm trials, field demonstrations and pilot projects that are likely successful, but not yet widely adopted. more »
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USDA encourages growers to apply for federal conservation assistance

Growers interested in financial and technical assistance are encourage to apply for USDA's Environmental Quality Incentives Program. more »

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